Macro Overview

The macro level refers to activities at the federal, provincial, and territorial levels of governance and includes governmental funding agencies and pan-Canadian health organizations. At this level policies and regulations are set that influence the rest of the healthcare landscape (e.g., the meso and micro levels). The impact phase involves the collection and analysis of indicators to assess the overall impacts of digital health on the quintuple aim outcomes: improved patient experience, improved provider experience, improved patient (population) outcomes, equity, and reduced per capita cost of care that are associated with the intervention to inform related policies or investments as well as long term planning, growth, and scale. Digital health end-users may include patients, informal caregivers, and clinicians. Other healthcare stakeholders also include end-users not directly involved in the delivery of health care, such as healthcare administrators, digital health designers, policy makers, and researchers. An evaluation conducted in the Impact phase generally seeks to answer these kinds of questions:

  • What are the results/outcomes?
  • What changes have been triggered?
For the complete Macro level Impact Matrix please download the PDF with the full table.