The Canadian Network for Digital Health Evaluation (CNDHE) is a Health Canada sponsored
initiative to build capacity to evaluate new and existing digital health tools and related policy
supports. Our vision is to have a nation-wide strategy for digital health evaluation that facilitates
learning across regions and incorporates the Quintuple Aims focusing on patient experience,
provider experience, equity, cost efficiency and population level benefits.
In alignment with the overall goals of the CNDHE, our primary reason for developing the pan-Canadian Digital Health Evaluation Framework (the Framework) is to build capacity and support a nation-wide strategy for digital health evaluation in a standardized way to facilitate exchange and shared learning across regions. Our goal is not to replace or duplicate current efforts in evaluation but instead to provide a platform to share useful tools within a supporting structure that users can adapt to suit their needs.
We designed the Framework to comprise a three-component product suite. Our intention was to provide an easy-to-use tool adaptable to the varying contexts where digital health solutions (DHS) are being implemented. Multiple evaluation options can be customized according to the setting, type of stakeholders involved (local/institutional, provincial, or national), and type of digital health solution. The Framework is intended to serve both for retrospective evaluations of a DHS (post-implementation) as well as a prospective planning tool to help in the selection of a digital health solution or to guide implementation.
Pan-Canadian Digital Health Evaluation
Framework Product Suite
A conceptual model designed as a “framework of frameworks” that encompasses three cyclical phases: Planning, Implementing, and Impact
Matrices for each of the phases containing constructs and domains to be included in an evaluation, as well as methods and approaches for data collection and outcome measurement
An interactive guide and collection of resources that will help users select the indicators, methods, and tools most appropriate and feasible for their evaluation
We used a systematic and rigorous approach to apply multiple sources of knowledge towards the development and content of the Framework. We
leveraged two primary streams of information to identify relevant concepts and content to contribute to the Framework:- An international jurisdictional scan of national frameworks for digital health evaluation
- A scoping review of frameworks, models, and theories for digital health evaluation used at the regional and institutional level
Results from the jurisdictional scan and scoping review were deconstructed and synthesized to develop the core sets of constructs and domains that
comprise the matrices featured in the Framework. We conducted a series of virtual collaborative discussion sessions with pan-Canadian stakeholders representing all levels of the health system to further refine both the conceptual model and matrices.
Contributors + Acknowledgements
Women’s College Hospital Institute for Health Systems Solutions and Virtual Care:
Core Framework Development Team:
Dr. Ibukun Abejirinde
Dr. Janette Brual
Michele Strom
Cathleen Fleury
Dr. Genevieve Rouleau
Dr. Miria Koshy
Patricia RiosConsulting Team:
Dr. Onil Bhattacharyya
Dr. Payal Agarwal
Dr. Geetha MukerjiExternal Collaborating Partner Organizations
Centre for WISE Practices in Indigenous Health, Women’s College Hospital
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Canada Health Infoway
Twitter (English) | Twitter (French)Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
We would like to especially thank the Patient Advisors Network for their continued support of the CNDHE to ensure strategic alignment between digital health evaluation and patient engagement. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of everyone that participated in the development of this framework through the Virtual Collaborative Sessions and ad-hoc consultations. The thoughtful feedback and enthusiastic participation in the discussions was invaluable in guiding the team as we sought to further develop and improve the framework into a tool that can help improve care for all Canadians.
This work is exclusively funded through an agreement with Health Canada. The funder played no role in the design, development, or distribution of this work. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.
Our Partners
Pan-Canadian Health Organizations who contributed to the development of the Pan-Canadian Digital Health Evaluation Framework

Production of this document has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.
Le présent document a été produit grâce à la contribution financière de Santé Canada. Les opinions exprimées ne représentent pas nécessairement celles de Santé Canada.